[Review over low-light images]


One of the effects you may have noticed with low-light shots is that sometimes images come out very blurry.  In fact, this is one of the chief problems with low-light photography, and you may have seen all sorts of marketing buzz-words like “anti-blur” or “image stabilization” or “vibration reduction”, all of which refer to various technologies that address the problem of blur.


Let’s take a look at “blur”, and how it occurs in our model of the sensor.


Normally for an exposure, one point in the image will project one point of light onto our photosensitive plane.  At that one point, our sensor usually receives a steady stream of photons for however long our exposure is.  Blur occurs whenever the stream of light that our sensor is receiving shifts somewhere else, causing inconsistency at our photosite.  What does it mean for our light feed to be inconsistent?


Normally, the amount of light our photosite might receive would look like this:


[Array of pixels with image projected on it, integration graph showing constant light level]


In the real world, however, our stream of light may actually shift [shift projected image].  While we had a steady stream of light on our sensor, now that stream of light is offset somewhere else.  For any given photosite, our light input is going to change [adjust integration chart for a pixel].  Now you’ll notice that this photosite, which was receiving a steady stream of photons, now receives none, and this other photosite, which wasn’t receiving any photons, starts receiving photons.  We expect this image to turn out like this – Pixel A will give us a bright pixel, since there was light here, and Pixel B gives us a dark pixel, since there wasn’t any light there.  But now, since we had light on our photosite A for only part of the time, we get a partially lit pixel, and since that light beam shifted over to photosite B for part of the exposure, we get light at Pixel B where we didn’t want any.


So how does the light trajectory “shift” in real life?  There are two ways this happens.  One is by your sensor moving, which most of the time happens when your camera moves.  For most people, when you take pictures, the camera isn’t held completely steadily [Demonstrate taking picture, or perhaps live video feed from a video recorder?]  When this happens, the position of your camera is shifting around, and thus your sensor is also moving [demonstrate moving sensor], so now that steady stream of light starts falling on different locations on the sensor, instead of on one steady spot.


The other way this happens is that the light source moves itself, and for the most part this happens because your subject is in motion.  Say you’re having a picture taken of yourself, and you had the camera sitting there perfectly still.  If you, the subject, starts moving, you’re changing the light that gets projected onto the sensor, and you get the same inconsistent light stream effect.  We’ll talk about moving subjects later on, but for these first few weeks we’ll focus on blur that comes from camera shake.


The ultimate determinant of how much blur there is in our images is the amount that the light stream is displaced.  For camera shake, there are three important factors that contribute to the displacement, and thus amount of blur – the displacement rate of the camera, the length of the exposure, and the angle of view.  Displacement rate, or in other words, how fast you shake your camera, has an obvious effect – if you shake your camera around twice as fast, for any given exposure time your camera and your sensor is going to displace twice the distance.  So with our model of the sensor here, if you were shaking your camera around a bit your stream of light might shift from here to here, creating a streak of blur through here.  If you were shaking around your camera really fast, your light might end up here, and your blur would be a huge streak from here all the way to here.


Another factor closely ties into this, and it is the duration of your exposure.  We know from basic physics that displacement = rate * time.  Since our blur is a direct result of the total displacement of the camera sensor, it not only matters how fast you’re shaking your camera, but how long you’re shaking the camera at that speed.  So if you moved your camera at a certain speed, but your exposure was twice as long, you could potentially shift the camera twice the distance, resulting in twice the amount of blur.


A third factor, although perhaps a little bit harder to grasp, is the angle of view.  The angle of view, or field of view, defines the area of the scene captured by the camera, and is a product of both a lenses’ focal length and the camera’s sensor size.  With a narrower field of view, we see a smaller scene, or another way to think of it is a scene that is “magnified” from a scene with a greater field of view.  In terms of our camera and shake, as you can see here [in class demonstration with mock-ups of “wider” and “narrower” angle of views], a narrow angle of view, often coming from a telephoto  lens, amplifies the effects of shake.  Although I might make small, minute movements here with the camera, because the field of view is so narrow, my movements result in the lens picking up light from somewhere else, resulting in dramatically different scenes.


An important thing to note is that these factors amplify one another’s effects, rather than simply compound them.  The relationship isn’t blur = displacement rate + exposure time + angle of view          , but blur = displacement rate * exposure time * angle of view.  By this relation, we can see that one factor’s effect alone won’t cause blurry pictures, and in fact by mitigating just one of the factors, we can eliminate blur.  For example, if our displacement rate (how much we moved the camera) was zero, meaning we don’t move the camera at all, it doesn’t matter how long our exposure is, or how narrow the angle of view is, we won’t get any blur, since our camera is perfectly still.  Similarly, if we had an instantaneous shutter speed of zero seconds, it wouldn’t matter how fast we moved or the angle of view, since the camera can’t move or shake anywhere in zero seconds.  And while a little more abstract, if we had an infinite angle of view on a zero focal length lens (which isn’t really possible, one for designing the lens, and two because of our 3-dimensional world), it wouldn’t matter how much we shifted the camera, because, since it’s capturing everything, any displacement would be effectively d/infinity = 0.


So that’s the ‘science’ essentially, behind how blur works, and why we get it.  Now the interesting part, and one that photographers and engineers have constantly struggled with, is how to avoid it or minimize it.  Today, we’ll take a more practical approach, and discuss some of the more traditional methods that photographers have used to try to mitigate the effects of camera shake.


Now, you may have heard of image stabilization or high-ISO, but before any of that came along, there was… the tripod.  The primary reason we have camera shake is that, as humans, we’re not quite perfect, and we don’t hold things very steadily, at least not steadily enough to maintain the position of things as small as square micron-size photosites and photons.  Inanimate objects, however, greatly surpass even the most extraordinary human being, and the tripod is just such an inanimate object designed for holding cameras, and holding them still.  [Demonstrate tripod].


Now, there’s nothing really all that special about a tripod.  As I said before, it’s simply an inanimate object that’s designed to hold a camera, so it’s got this little tripod mount that you can screw in to the camera, and three legs for maximum sturdiness.  But pretty much any kind of inanimate object that you can put your camera on can serve the same purpose.


Now, almost always, having a tripod alone will 100% eliminate blur due to camera shake.  It doesn’t matter how long our exposure is or how long the angle of view amplifying our focal length is, the camera, mounted on our inanimate object, isn’t moving, and therefore there won’t be any blur.


However, carrying around a tripod is not always practical.  Some of them are pretty big and heavy, and you have to set the thing up, stretch out the legs, and attach your camera before you can actually take a shot.  There are some alternatives – many sports photographers use monopods, for example, which have only a single leg, making them not quite as rock-steady as a tripod, but still providing some stability and making them easier to carry and set up.  For most photography, however, a tripod or even monopod is going to be too heavy or cumbersome to be practical, so sooner or later photographers will have to rely on their hands to hold a camera steadily.


How to hold a camera steadily


So today’s lesson will be about how to hold a camera steadily, or rather, steadily enough to achieve non-blurry images.


[Ask volunteer to come up and take a picture with camera, or demonstrate myself?]


Now, most of you, especially if you’re using a camera with a rear LCD rather than a viewfinder, probably hold your cameras somewhat like this – arms outstretched, framing with the rear LCD.  While most people you see take pictures like this, this is in fact one of the worst ways to hold a camera, because you give it the least support and most variability to move around.   This is one of the advantages of a viewfinder camera – by pressing the camera up to your face, rather than holding it outstretched, you can keep the camera much steadier.


Beyond the general position that one holds the camera, there are some other specific things that will also induce shake.


One that you encounter every time you take a photograph is pressing the shutter button.  While it may be hard enough holding the camera steady, whenever you take the picture you also have to click the shutter, applying a downward force by pressing down on the shutter button, often causing significant movement.  Even on a tripod, clicking down on the shutter can often cause the camera to move enough to induce blur.


There are numerous solutions to deal with this problem.  One is to simply fire off two shots – you press down, taking one shot, but rather than lifting your finger off of the shutter trigger, you continue holding down the shutter for the second shot, applying no extra force and keeping the camera fairly steady.


Another is a nifty device known as a remote shutter release.  Rather than trigger the shutter on your camera, you can attach a remote that communicates with the camera via a cord or wirelessly, triggering the shutter without actually touching or moving the camera.


Another method is a delayed shutter, where you press the shutter, but the camera doesn’t actually take the picture until 10 seconds or 5 seconds later, allowing the camera to settle from any movement or vibrations induced when pressing the shutter.


Another source of camera shake that is present on SLR cameras is mirror slap.  With single-lens reflex cameras, there’s a mirror mechanism inside the camera which has to be flipped up whenever a photo is taken.  Because this mirror is flipped up and down so quickly, there’s  a motor flipping it with a lot of force, which for long exposures, even on a tripod, can cause blur in your images.  The solution for this problem is a tool called mirror lock-up – it allows you to manually flip up your mirror, allow the vibrations in your camera to settle, and then raise the shutter to start the exposure.


The last trick lies in pure probability.  As with anything in life, the amount of blur for any given shot will fall around a curve.  When we take a picture, we’ll likely average a certain amount of blur given our rate of displacement, length of exposure, and angle of view, but if we take more images, we’ll likely end up with images that have significantly more blur, as well as images with significantly less.  Applying this, a technique we can employ is to take multiple shots – if we take a series of 10 shots in a row, we get 10 chances to come up with an image with an acceptable amount of blur.




So now that you know what’s causing the blur inside our camera, and have learned some techniques to try to minimize the shake, the assignment for this week is to once again go out and take more low-light shots.  This time, however, I want you to think about the blur, and try employing these methods to minimize the amount of blur in your images.  As a control, you might want to take pictures as you normally would, without employing any of these techniques, and then compare the results to see how well the various methods stabilize your images.